Next week I will be putting the finishing touches on one of my favorite collections, THE WITCHES. I will photograph them and then, they get posted and they fly away!
This year I have spent many hours designing and creating them. My Designers Pick for this year? "The WITCH with Green Hair!" As with all the WITCHES, it is completely hand sewn and each intricate design element, was carefully selected and attached. This particular one is my pick this Season, because it is completely magical. It's base is black parisisol straw, which I spent many hours shaping and sewing into place. Then the fun begins! I used a green synthetic yarn to create a "Rapunzel" like dramatic road of hair that trails down the front and is piled up on top, where you will find lots of goodies!
No additional wig is needed with the head piece, as the green hair is meant to be the focal point. It attaches to the back of the dolls head with a black elastic which does fit wonderfully. Although this particular piece looks like it would weigh a's actually very light.
I use my beautiful Soudoll-Zenith, Agnetha, as my muse for all my designs, and I must say...she looks very "withchy" in this one!
There are seven hats in all this year, each one is entirely different. I wanted to make each hat be the "crowning glory" for that special night! You see...witches are not all bad, not all good, not all scary and not all nice! The photo I am showing you this week is "AGNES", she is from THE WITCHES 2011 Collection. She has long since "Flown the Coop!"
Look for my blog and the "debut" of THE WITCHES next week....
This collection is fantastic, Susan!!! xxx