Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Designing of a Hat, Goblins or NOT!


After a long time in the Headwear business, I have developed a philosophy about making and photographing hats.  First, my philosophy.  Let's be honest.  It takes a very confident lady to wear a hat. Why?  Its my thoughts that a hat says..."I am not afraid to be seen".  To some, this can be scary.  I am not sure why when in this very vibrant and progressive world its important to say..."This is who I am and How I feel!"

So, I have always designed hats where the focal point was kept close to the eyes (passage way to the souls!).  I  am very inspired by faces.  I think that a hat should be a  "gateway" that invites others to "pass if you dare!"  So...all my hats have much of the detail, architectural elements and color, focused close to the face and in particular the eyes.

In designing for BJD dolls, I use the exact same principle.  I was first introduced to BJD's by a friend of mine who's cousin just so happened to be Cheryl Austin, the face paint artist for many of the exquisite BJD  dolls you may either own or have seen on the internet.  We immediately became friends and many of you may have first seen my designs on Cheryls dolls on her threads.  The rest?......History!

I invite you to visit my website or facebook to view more of my designs.

I have currently been working on my  "pet" project, Goblins!  Earlier this year I made and sold BLODWEDD, my first Goblin headpiece.  Recently I released the second, EALGA and I am working on the "Cape" of the costume now.  If you have not seen the headpiece EALGA, I am including it in this blog so you can follow along on the costume design.

Keeping true to my "raw" approach, here is something I thought I would share with you on steps of designing.
Yes, BJD dolls bend in many different directions etc,. HOWEVER...here is something you might find helpful to consider.  Always make a simple pattern from which you modify and build upon. Secondly,  I suggest you HAND SEW the pattern together first so that you can make micro adjustments once you start to a drape it on your doll.

Like photos? I have recently started posting on Tumblr so you can find me there each week as well.
Have a great week!..Talk to you next week.

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