Friday, April 24, 2015


GOBLINS' BEND, the book and costume designs

In November of 2014, Jones Publishing (publishers of Haute Doll, Dolls Magazine) published part two of my book GOBLINS' BEND.    In a collaborations, I made available 15 Limited Edition, one of a kind hat designs, inspired by the story of GOBLINS' BEND which are available through the magazine.  These designs are the first collectible pieces inspired by the story  and can be seen and purchased in the doll magazine store.

Both part one, The Legend Begins, and part two;  The Journey to Hollowberry, can be ordered on Amazon or are available or if you can make it one of my book signings, for a limited time purchase the books plus the GOBLINS' BEND book mark!

As you may know,  I have designed several costumes inspired by the book featuring one of my favorite characters, RAPSINA RASPBURI.  I will be presenting a book signing at the Controversial book store on Friday, May 8 from 6-7pm and bringing my latest costume design.  Please follow my signing on my facebook pages, and be sure to check out the exclusive hat designs that start off the collectible items from GOBLINS' BEND designs.  Here is where I've been and watch for a signing near you!